Breed: Dachshund

Age: Young

Sex: M

Size: S
Age: Approximately 1 year old
Sex: Male
Weight: About 11 pounds
Breed: Dachshund
Foster Home Location: Peterborough, ON
Adoption Fee: $375
Temperament: Friendly, loves all people
Dogs: Yes if they are larger in size and not timid or senior. No small or senior dogs!!
Cats: No!
Kids: Yes if they are respectful of his size
Origin: Found as stray
And now a few words from me:
Hi world, it's me - Frank. How are ya? I'm a very good boy who just wants a family to call my own. I'd love it if Alice was part of that family as well, if possible as she's my bestest friend. We were found together as someone had dumped us - can you just imagine??!?!!! So you know a bit about me, I love toys, all kinds of toys but it's my mission in life to destroy every last one of them. So far, my foster mom has only found one kind of toy that I can't destroy (Kongs), but everything else has been demolished. I'm very happy to sleep in crates both at night and during the day when my foster mom is working and I'm not a barker. I plan to give lots of love and happiness to my new family so please be prepared for many many years of love and excitement if I am part of it. Please consider Alice as part of that family as well. She's my girlfriend and I'd hate to be apart from her. And, don't tell her I said this, but she's even friendlier than I am.
And now a few words from my foster mom:
Frank was found as a stray along with Alice and ideally they will be adopted together. We will consider homes apart but both will need homes with another dog to keep them company if not adopted together. Frank is best with dogs larger than him who are not senior or weak from an illness/medical condition. He is very friendly and loves to snuggle in laps. His absolute favourite thing is to bury himself in a blanket and go to sleep. When he wakes up in the morning, he has to unravel himself from the blanket that he's in before he can even move. Some mornings, I see a blanket walking across the floor as he's trying to unravel himself before he can go outside. He is very cute, funny and loves attention.

Still have questions about this dog? click here to email us.

Click here for an Adoption Application.
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All dogs adopted from LOYAL Rescue will receive 6 weeks of free pet insurance with AdoptSecure!
LOYAL Rescue is a foster based rescue with homes located throughout the province and in the United States. We do not operate a shelter, thus do not have viewing hours. Each pet is in a private home. In order to adopt this pet, please visit our website and fill in our online application. If you have any questions, please email us by clicking here.
Once you submit the online adoption application, we will arrange for a volunteer to contact you to conduct the telephone interview. The same volunteer will also contact your veterinarian and personal references. If the interview and references go well, a home visit will be booked. Should you be the successful applicant for this pet, you are then welcome to come and meet the dog. You are not obligated to adopt if the fit is not correct, however we must go through this process prior to you meeting the dog.
LOYAL Rescue is 100% volunteer run.
Please ensure that you read the FAQ section of the LOYAL website, prior to applying to adopt from us.
We use Patented Kuranda Dog Beds because they are durable, chew proof and easy to clean. If you would like to donate a bed to us, click here.
Thank you for considering a rescued dog!

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Contact: LOYAL Rescue | Peterborough, ON